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CRTC should take charge in next-generation 911 rollout, regulator hears

telecom | 01/16/2017 11:17 pm EST

GATINEAU, Que. — The CRTC should take a leading role — at least temporarily — in co-ordinating the development of next-generation 911 services, the regulator heard Monday as it kicked off a week-long hearing into the future of the emergency call system. Making the transition to an environment where 911 call-takers, or public safety answering points (PSAPs), can receive communication other than voice (such as text, picture and video messages) needs outside guidance,...

CRTC launches video relay service, will keep an eye on data usage

telecom | 09/28/2016 9:18 pm EDT

GATINEAU, Que. — The first national video relay service (VRS) for hearing-impaired Canadians launched Wednesday, with the CRTC and companies involved in the project saying they’ll keep an eye on how much bandwidth it uses.  The service was presented at the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Que. Wednesday morning. It will allow hearing-impaired Canadians to enter a video conference with a trained interpreter at a call centre, who will then communicate...