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Federal government matches provincial funds for Alberta broadband

telecom | 03/09/2022 2:14 pm EST

Federal government matches provincial funds for Alberta broadbandThe federal government is earmarking $240 million in matching funds to deploy high-speed internet in Alberta, it was announced Wednesday. Last week Premier Jason Kenney...

Alberta invests nearly $400 million in rural broadband rollout

telecom | 03/02/2022 4:31 pm EST

Resistance to tower builds shows need to ‘rethink’ consultations: MPThe province of Alberta will spend $390 million over four years to provide broadband service to rural, remote and Indigenous communities, it was announced Wednesday.  Premier Jason Kenney and Service Alberta Minister Nate Glubish made the announcement at a library in...

eHealth raises data, privacy, and clinical questions: experts 

Media | 08/05/2020 6:07 pm EDT

Alberta tracing app review could ‘inspire confidence’: privacy experteHealth technologies have been widely billed as bridging divides between...

Tories make more changes to foreign worker program

Media | 08/07/2013 7:38 pm EDT

Employment Minister Jason Kenney said the government introduced further changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, including a new $275 processing fee and additional advertising requirements. The advertising requirements will double the length and reach of employers’ advertising to increase Canadians’ awareness of available jobs, a...

Kenney says message getting through in Silicon Valley

telecom | 06/24/2013 8:58 pm EDT

The message that American companies have many good reasons to set up shop in Canada is getting through to entrepreneurs south of the border, said Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. “We have lower taxes, lower business taxes on new investments. We have lower capital gains taxes. We have a startup ecosystem and venture capital industry that is...