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Starlink: Saviour of rural connectivity or threat to Canadian sovereignty?

| 01/17/2025 5:20 pm EST

Starlink: Saviour of rural connectivity or threat to Canadian sovereignty?A group of academics is warning that Starlink could be a trojan horse, providing internet connectivity to remote regions via satellite but seriously affecting Canadian...

Northwestel ‘gaming’ regulatory system with Part 1: SSi Micro

telecom | 02/23/2017 7:34 pm EST

SSi Micro Ltd. is claiming a BCE Inc. subsidiary is engaging in delay tactics with its recent request for the CRTC to revise a decision setting rates for its Wholesale Connect service, while Northwestel is arguing the CRTC’s decision last fall was based on faulty information. In a Wednesday press release, SSi said it asked the CRTC “to end Northwestel’s ongoing attempts to delay complying with Commission orders” and that “these delays...

Speeds ‘red herring’ when North needs backbone builds, panel hears

telecom | 04/12/2016 9:36 pm EDT

GATINEAU, Que. — Setting a basic speed requirement doesn’t do the North any good when it comes to improving Internet access, unless there’s necessary backbone infrastructure in...

SSi to invest $75M in Nunavut Internet

telecom | 09/25/2015 2:03 pm EDT

SSi Micro Ltd.  announced Wednesday it is investing $75 million toward providing and improving Nunavut’s broadband infrastructure. It said in a press release that the investment will soon benefit consumers, business,...