When Governor General Mary Simon prorogued Parliament on Jan. 6 following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's announcement that he will be resigning, all legislation before the House of Commons and the Senate ceased to exist. Three government bills and one private member’s...
As the federal justice committee works through a pre-study of the Liberals’ proposed online harms legislation, known as Bill C-63, some Conservative MPs seek to have their...
The CRTC defended its telecommunications mandate before a skeptical Senate...
The Senate Committee on Transport and Communications began its study of...
A quartet of civil society groups appeared before the House of Commons...
A coalition of civil society groups are calling on the government to make...
Lobby group OpenMedia has been polling the public about what the major issues in broadcasting and telecom are. It wants to use that information when it sits down with CRTC chair Vicky Eatrides on Tuesday.
The campaigns director for the organization is excited for the...
Lobby group OpenMedia is disappointed that Tuesday’s Speech from the...
Rural Economic Development Minister Maryam Monsef says “precise...