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Google would be regulating media under PIPEDA: counsel

Media | 03/21/2019 6:28 pm EDT

OTTAWA — If a court determines Google’s search engine falls under the country’s private sector privacy law, then that would effectively make the internet company a media regulator, counsel to Alphabet Inc. said in Federal Court on Thursday. The court is currently in the process of determining whether search engine delisting -- the process of making certain information harder to find on the internet -- is captured under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). In that case, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC), which brought the initial...

OPC’s deindexing position ‘indirect attack’ on CBC, lawyer says

Media | 02/11/2019 6:33 pm EST

OPC’s deindexing  position ‘indirect attack’ on CBC, lawyer saysOTTAWA — A lawyer for CBC/Radio-Canada who is asking the Federal Court to allow it to intervene in a case that could determine if the Office of the Privacy Commissioner...