The CRTC has rejected a request from Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) for a price hike for its AMI-tv and AMI-télé networks. It offered a lifeline, however, with a promise to consider regulatory issues during a forthcoming consultation. The decision was released on Tuesday,...
Rogers Communications Inc. is endorsing a Part 1 application by BCE Inc. that would see the five per cent contribution level by satellite relay distribution undertakings (SRDUs) eliminated and wants the same treatment for itself. Bell filed the original motion last month on...
A group of public interest broadcasters is getting more money from the...
Major broadcasters are opposed to Accessible Media Inc.’s (AMI) request...
Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) submitted an application to the CRTC for an...
Those who stand to benefit from the Online...
The proposed financial threshold for exemption for online streaming undertakings in the new Broadcasting Act should be changed, several organizations have told the CRTC. How...
The CRTC will consider mandatory distribution licence renewals for nine television channels when it holds a hearing next year, the regulator said in a Tuesday release. The commission said it will consider the renewal for the...
The CRTC has approved a proposal by an independent over-the-air (OTA) station that would see it source programming from Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) to fulfill its described-video...