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Municipally-owned B.C. SILEC asks CRTC for relief from NG911 requirements 

telecom | 11/05/2021 2:37 pm EDT

Municipally-owned B.C. SILEC asks CRTC for relief from NG911 requirements A municipally-owned small incumbent local exchange carrier (SILEC) in northwest British Columbia is requesting that the CRTC relieve it of its next-generation 911 (NG911)...

With no network infrastructure, towns opting to build their own

telecom | 03/02/2016 9:19 pm EST

Among the arguments from BCE Inc. and those supporting its appeal to federal cabinet of the CRTC decision mandating wholesale access to fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks is that the ruling will slow development of high-speed Internet infrastructure in outlying areas. But the high costs involved with getting that infrastructure into rural and more-remote communities means they already weren't high on the priority list, which leaves it up to smaller, home-grown companies and government to fill the void, said independent telecom analyst Bill St. Arnaud. "Most communities are, at best,...