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Telus, Blue Dot stress Health Canada never received personal data

telecom | 02/18/2022 5:26 pm EST

Telus, Blue Dot stress Health Canada never received personal dataIt would be impossible for the government to re-identify mobility data of Canadians because personal information was never released to it, the House of Commons Ethics...

Government is using surveillance in data dive, Ethics committee told

telecom | 02/14/2022 4:05 pm EST

Big telecoms fight calls for an ‘ISP tax’, pitch new OTT rulesA panel of academics reiterated that the Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) need to be updated to reflect changes in the...

PHAC lack of transparency “appalling”, Cavoukian tells Ethics committee

Internet and Governance | 02/11/2022 10:06 am EST

PHAC lack of transparency “appalling”, Cavoukian tells Ethics committeeOntario’s former privacy commissioner called the Public Health Agency’s...

House adopts Ethics report, Liberals vote against measure

telecom | 02/08/2022 6:38 pm EST

ARIN asks Parliament to require ISPs to maintain Whois infoThe House of Commons passed an Opposition motion endorsing the Ethics...

Privacy Commissioner advocates update of Privacy Act before Ethics committee

Media | 02/07/2022 4:43 pm EST

Privacy Commissioner advocates update of Privacy Act before Ethics committeeCanada’s Privacy Act needs to be updated, Privacy Commissioner Daniel...

Opposition seeks emergency probe into Health Canada cellphone tracking

telecom | 01/10/2022 5:21 pm EST

Opposition seeks emergency probe into Health Canada cellphone trackingA group of four Opposition MPs is asking for an emergency meeting of the...