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Network resiliency working group wants to expand CRTC authority over municipal infrastructure, provincially-regulated utilities

telecom | 03/22/2023 5:07 pm EDT

Network resiliency working group wants to expand CRTC authority over municipal infrastructure, provincially-regulated utilitiesA working group composed of Canadian telecommunication service providers (CTSPs) and experts from the department of Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is asking the government to expand the CRTC’s authority over passive infrastructure and provincially regulated support structures.  Earlier this month the Canadian Telecommunications Network...

TBayTel granted delay in rollout of 10-digit dialing

telecom | 03/22/2023 3:41 pm EDT

Western Quebec to get new area code overlayThe CRTC Wednesday approved a proposal by TBayTel Inc. that it be permitted to delay the implementation of 10-digit dialing in its area. The regional telecom had made the application late last year. Telecoms across the country must migrate to 10-digit dialing to...

CRTC wants telecoms to address Canadians with disabilities wireless services

telecom | 02/23/2023 3:29 pm EST

Ethics committee seeks changes to privacy laws, opting out of data collectionThursday the CRTC issued a decision directing wireless service providers...

ISED releases results of residual spectrum band auction

telecom | 01/27/2023 4:19 pm EST

A cell tower with a blue sky in the background.The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) has...

Tbaytel seek delay in implementation of 10-digit dialing

telecom | 12/02/2022 2:58 pm EST

Western Quebec to get new area code overlayA municipally-owned Thunder Bay , Ont., telecommunications company is...

Champagne announces network sharing agreement following Rogers outage

telecom | 09/07/2022 4:35 pm EDT

Champagne announces network sharing agreement following Rogers outageWednesday Innovation, Science and Industry Minister François-Philippe...

Feds rollout $20 a month internet for low-income families and seniors

telecom | 04/04/2022 1:22 pm EDT

ISED’s low-income internet program launchesThe federal government is providing low-income families and seniors with broadband services at reduced rates. On Monday it unveiled the second leg of its Connecting Families...

CRTC to forbear from regulating IXPL services on 12 additional routes

telecom | 03/25/2022 4:32 pm EDT

STB data measurement complex task, group saysThe CRTC has added a dozen additional routes to its list of interexchange...

ISED approves spectrum licence transfer in Northern Ontario

telecom | 03/11/2022 4:17 pm EST

A cell tower with a blue sky in the background.Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) has approved a transfer...

Paper billing for vulnerable customers, not universally: CRTC

telecom | 02/10/2022 5:42 pm EST

Paper billing for vulnerable customers, not universally: CRTCThe CRTC has determined that all communications service providers (CSPs),...

PIAC disappointed with CRTC SIM swap disclosure

telecom | 07/09/2021 4:59 pm EDT

Six months after it received a request to release the data it collects on a fraud process known as "SIM swapping," the CRTC yesterday sent a letter to parties involved in a proceeding on the matter saying that instances of the...

Accessibility reporting should apply to resellers: Bell, Shaw

Media | 04/06/2021 5:57 pm EDT

CRTC proposes code of conduct for ISPsBCE Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. are taking issue with TekSavvy...

CRTC seeks further information on telecoms’ paper billing practices

Media | 12/03/2020 3:15 pm EST

A CRTC consultation on paper billing practices in the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors is continuing, with the commission requesting that all major companies respond to a series of...

Rogers further defends 36-month financing

telecom | 11/01/2019 5:19 pm EDT

The objection to the new phone financing plans from the likes of the Competition Bureau is based on an incorrect understanding of device financing arrangements, according to Rogers Communications Inc.’s reply in the CRTC’s...

Telecoms must hand over more detailed info to Comp Bureau

telecom | 08/06/2019 7:23 pm EDT

‘Unlimited’ plans leading to 50% more data use, Rogers saysThe CRTC has directed telecom companies to disclose an additional set of...

$10 fees on customer service tasks don’t violate Wireless Code: Bell, Telus

telecom | 05/03/2019 5:27 pm EDT

BCE Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Telus Corp., and Shaw Communications Inc. have responded to the CRTC’s questions about $10 fees they charge for some customer service tasks. Telecom companies were asked to respond to CRTC questions following media reports that telecoms were charging customers to complete some tasks through a customer service representative that they could otherwise do themselves online. All four companies told the CRTC they have such fees in place for at least some...

Bell opts out of 600 MHz, Rogers nabs 52 licenses for $1.7B

telecom | 04/10/2019 5:30 pm EDT

BCE Inc. was among three prospective applicants who didn’t grab licenses for the coveted 600 MHz spectrum, widely considered to be the last chance to get valuable low-band frequencies. The...

Cogeco won’t be among bidders for 600 MHz spectrum

telecom | 12/06/2018 6:29 pm EST

Cogeco reports higher revenues and profit in Q3Cogeco Inc. isn’t among the list of participants in the 600 MHz auction, released by Innovation Canada...

ISED’s low-income internet program launches

telecom | 11/16/2018 1:20 pm EST

ISED’s low-income internet program launchesA government program intended to connect low-income families with affordable internet launched Friday....

TekSavvy tells CRTC about incumbents trying to ‘poach’ customers

telecom | 10/24/2018 6:17 pm EDT

TekSavvy tells CRTC about incumbents trying to 'poach' customersGATINEAU — TekSavvy Solutions Inc. told the CRTC Wednesday that a sales...

CRTC to hold sales practices hearing in October

telecom | 07/16/2018 1:57 pm EDT

The CRTC will question telecoms about their sales practices at an October hearing in Gatineau, Que., the regulator said Monday as it launched a consultation. The proceeding is in response to an order by the federal government to look into the issue and produce a report by Feb. 28, 2018. The CRTC said it is looking for comments from Canadians about their personal experiences with telecom sales providers, “including comments from consumers who are vulnerable due to their age, a disability, or a language barrier.” It also wants to hear from the telecoms, their current and former...

ISP coalition stands up to proposed hydro pole price

telecom | 03/22/2018 5:53 pm EDT

A coalition of internet service providers (ISPs) is taking the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to task over a proposal to significantly raise the cost of hydro pole installation across the province, which they say will inevitably lead...

CRTC grants telecoms Wireless Code extension

telecom | 02/21/2018 5:02 pm EST

The CRTC has told Telus Corp., Rogers Communications Inc. and TBayTel Inc. that they can have the extra time they requested in order to implement certain requirements of the Wireless Code. The two companies told the regulator...

Telus joins Rogers in Wireless Code extension ask

telecom | 11/20/2017 6:12 pm EST

Telus offering communication service for doctorsSeveral telecoms are backing Rogers Communications Inc.’s request for an extension to implement certain...

TBayTel asks for 1-year extension for Wireless Code changes

telecom | 08/22/2017 12:56 pm EDT

TBayTel asks for 1-year extension for Wireless Code changesThe CRTC is seeking comment on whether it should grant regional...

CRTC allowing off-tariff GSM agreements, for now

telecom | 08/05/2016 8:50 pm EDT

The CRTC has determined that a hands-off approach to regulating roaming rates on GSM networks until it approves a final set of guidelines would not put smaller carriers in a negotiating disadvantage with larger ones. The...

Incumbents seek little change in domestic data roaming tariffs

telecom | 11/25/2015 11:06 pm EST

The domestic roaming rates for voice and text services BCE Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Telus Corp. have asked the CRTC to implement are significantly lower than what they currently...

Carriers ordered to comply in Apple competition case

Media | 06/19/2015 6:29 pm EDT

The Federal Court has ordered wireless carriers to provide information being asked for by the Competition Bureau as it looks into whether Apple Inc. engaged in anticompetitive practices related to sales of its iPhone. BCE Inc.,...

Quebecor adds spectrum, still non-committal on national expansion

telecom | 05/12/2015 2:43 pm EDT

Quebecor Inc. is still publicly sitting on the fence when it comes to expanding its wireless service throughout Canada despite bidding $187 million on 2500 MHz spectrum, including for licences outside...

CraveTV now available to SaskTel subscribers

Media | 05/07/2015 2:31 pm EDT

BCE Inc. said Thursday that its streaming service CraveTV will be available to subscribers of Saskatchewan Telecommunications Holding Corp.'s MaxTV service on May 12. It added in a press release that small Ontario  providers TBayTel Inc., NRTC Communications and WTC Communications are also now offering CraveTV to their subscribers. In a separate release Thursday, Bell Media said CraveTV is also now compatible with Google Inc.’s Chromecast. It said CraveTV is the first Canadian streaming service available on the thumb-sized device, which plugs into a television's HDMI port...