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CRTC commissioner dissents on giving Bell out-of-footprint service

telecom | 09/20/2024 5:16 pm EDT

CRTC commissioner dissents on giving Bell out-of-footprint serviceThe CRTC has approved BCE Inc.’s application to provide local voice services outside its incumbent territory, but one commissioner expressed reservations about the deal. The...

Website blocking has potential to combat piracy, conference hears

Media | 11/14/2017 7:19 pm EST

Website blocking has potential to combat piracy, conference hearsOTTAWA — If BCE Inc.’s suggestion in September that the federal government should consider blocking websites that host infringing material to fight content piracy was...

Bram Abramson leaving TekSavvy

telecom | 09/11/2017 5:09 pm EDT

Bram Abramson leaving TekSavvyBram Abramson, chief legal and regulatory officer at TekSavvy Solutions Inc., is leaving the company....

Small ISPs welcome rollout of disaggregated wholesale regime

telecom | 08/29/2017 6:17 pm EDT

STB data measurement complex task, group saysThe CRTC kickstarted the industry’s move to a disaggregated wholesale...

FCC’s net neutrality changes could affect Canada, some experts say

telecom | 07/12/2017 4:37 pm EDT

FCC’s net neutrality changes could affect Canada, some experts sayOn Wednesday, major internet and tech companies teamed up to rally against...

Incumbents defend wireless prices after Bains criticism

telecom | 06/06/2017 7:59 pm EDT

Incumbents defend wireless prices after Bains criticismTORONTO — Representatives from the big three were on the defense a day...

CNOC asks for CRTC action on growing wholesale wireline ‘service gaps’

telecom | 03/30/2017 8:54 pm EDT

As large Internet Service Providers (ISPs) push on with the build of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks, small providers say they are encountering an increasing number of areas where they have no access to wholesale Internet service from telcos. Such service gaps are “becoming increasingly large and prevalent,” the Canadian Network Operators Consortium (CNOC) said in a Part 1 application dated Thursday, in which it asked the regulator to provide expedited wholesale access to...

Notice-and-notice effect on piracy unclear ahead of copyright review

Media | 03/13/2017 8:39 pm EDT

As the federal government gears up to review the Copyright Act later this year, information about the rate of piracy in Canada remains elusive, two full years since the implementation of the...

50 Mbps speeds, LTE part of CRTC’s new basic service requirements

telecom | 12/21/2016 9:14 pm EST

GATINEAU, Que. — Advocates are calling the CRTC’s new basic service requirements — which include a minimum of 50 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload speeds and LTE coverage —...

FTTH access plan ‘consistent’ but ‘disappointing’: indie ISPs

telecom | 09/20/2016 9:52 pm EDT

The CRTC has missed an opportunity to foster innovation among telecom competitors as it moves forward in the implementation of mandated wholesale access by smaller Internet service providers (ISPs) to...

Industry execs blast Quebec Internet-blocking, call for CRTC involvement

Media | 06/08/2016 12:29 am EDT

TORONTO — Executives from Canada’s telecom companies took aim at a new bill by the Quebec government that would force Internet service providers (ISPs) to block some gambling websites...

Quebec online gambling law would have ‘huge’ costs for ISPs: CWTA

telecom | 05/26/2016 9:57 pm EDT

New Quebec legislation forcing Internet service providers (ISPs) to block certain online gambling websites from being accessed in the province could put smaller ISPs out of business, industry reps...

Small ISPs laud government denial of Bell’s FTTH appeal

telecom | 05/11/2016 1:23 pm EDT

Independent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and advocacy groups said Wednesday they’re encouraged by the federal government’s rejection of BCE Inc.’s appeal of the CRTC...

Effect of zero-rating on competition under debate

Media | 05/06/2016 8:21 pm EDT

OTTAWA — A panel discussion on net neutrality Friday dug into whether zero-rating can help or harm market competition, with Ted Woodhead, senior vice-president of regulatory affairs at Telus Corp. taking issue with the...

Copyright infringement notices being used for advertising, ISPs say

Media | 04/27/2016 8:57 pm EDT

In recent weeks,  BCE Inc.  and HBO have begun using copyright infringement notices to steer recipients toward legal sources of TV content — but some of the Internet service providers...

Basic service should include wholesale rates: TekSavvy

Media | 04/11/2016 10:12 pm EDT

GATINEAU, Que. — On the first day of the CRTC’s hearing on what basic telecom services should be available to all Canadians, small ISP TekSavvy Solutions Inc. asked the CRTC to include wholesale access in its definition of basic service. It suggested the CRTC change the definition of basic service from including the “capability to connect via low-speed data transmission to the Internet at local rates” to “capability to connect to the Internet via high-speed data transmission made available, where feasible, at reasonable wholesale rates.” Andy...

CRTC to reconsider current wholesale Internet rates

telecom | 03/31/2016 8:40 pm EDT

The CRTC issued Thursday a new approach to how the rates small companies pay large telecoms for wholesale Internet services are set, stating that “current wholesale [high-speed access] service rates are likely not just and...

Dependence on landline-phone services put Primus in creditor protection: CEO

telecom | 01/21/2016 4:02 pm EST

Too much reliance on landline-phone-service revenue, combined with a heavy debt load, has resulted in Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. being placed in creditor protection and awaiting court...

CRTC denies TekSavvy relief in Toronto wholesale issue

Media | 12/15/2015 9:02 pm EST

The CRTC has denied TekSavvy Solutions Inc.'s request for interim relief in a situation where Rogers Communications Inc. is slated to replace some legacy cable in a Toronto neighbourhood with...

TekSavvy’s Abramson takes on incumbents at Telecom Summit

telecom | 06/02/2015 7:36 pm EDT

TORONTO — With a key decision from the CRTC on smaller service providers’ access to wireline telecommunications networks expected soon, three incumbents’ regulatory bosses took on...

CRTC gives 90 days for talks on wholesale Internet service dispute

telecom | 02/12/2015 9:44 pm EST

The CRTC is demanding that four of Canada’s largest cable companies and small ISPs represented by the Canadian Network Operators’ Consortium (CNOC) work out a dispute over customer service and network reliability at the negotiating table within the next three months. The regulator issued a decision on Thursday on a CNOC complaint from September 2013 in which the small ISPs claimed network providers Rogers Communications Inc., Cogeco Cable Inc., Shaw Communications Inc. and Quebecor...

ISPs prepping for increase in copyright infringement notices

Media | 01/12/2015 10:11 pm EST

After "significant" investments in time and money to prepare for the notice-and-notice regime that went into effect this month, independent Internet service providers Teksavvy Solutions Inc....

Wireline wholesale hearing to put focus on ISP access

telecom | 10/29/2014 4:55 pm EDT

The CRTC faces another major policy hearing next month, and this one has the potential to affect independent Internet service providers that depend on major telecom companies to connect them to customers. In September, the...

Internet regulation may be template for future of wholesale wireless

telecom | 09/26/2014 2:19 pm EDT

As the CRTC prepares for a week of hearings beginning Monday on the future of wholesale wireless in Canada, the rules regarding wholesale Internet access may be a predictor of how the regulator will...

TekSavvy asks CRTC for help to launch TV service

Media | 09/16/2014 9:15 pm EDT

GATINEAU, Que. — Independent ISP TekSavvySolutions Inc. told the CRTC Tuesday it is considering becoming a TV distributor, on the same day that it announced a “partnership” with Hastings Cable Vision Ltd., an...

Court decision muddies lawful access rules for ISPs: Lawford

telecom | 06/13/2014 9:00 pm EDT

Friday’s Supreme Court decision requiring law enforcement to get a warrant in order to obtain customers’ personal information from Internet service providers muddies the water around...

Bram Abramson moves to Teksavvy

Media | 03/31/2014 8:59 pm EDT

Communications lawyer Bram Abramson has joined Teksavvy Solutions Inc. as chief legal and regulatory officer. Abramson left McCarthy Tétrault, a Toronto-based business law firm, where he specialized in telecommunications and regulation. Abramson received his law degree from McGill University in 2007, according to his LinkedIn page....